Church Leadership College is committed to upholding the core beliefs and values that are essential to the collaboration between home, church, and education.

To ensure unity within our program, we have outlined our beliefs, understandings, and expectations below.

These statements include the following core doctrines of the Christian faith that we believe and profess and require all student to not only understand but to affirm.

The Bible

We believe the entire Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God and should be the supreme and final authority in our lives and faith.

Jesus Christ

We believe Jesus Christ is God the son, the second person of the trinity. He was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, performed many miracles and died on a cross for our sins. He was raised from the dead on the third day in accordance with scriptures, ascended to heaven where he is at the right hand of the Father, and will return again to establish his eternal rule as King over the new heavens and new earth.


We believe that salvation is offered by grace through faith in accordance with repentance and belief in the death, burial, resurrection, and reality of Jesus Christ. His shed blood for our sins and resurrection from the dead means that we can we be forgiven and restored into fellowship with God.

Eternity & Second Coming of Christ

We believe in the personal and imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the bodily resurrection of all people unto judgment. This judgment will bring everlasting life in the new earth for the saved and the punishment of hell and eternal separation from God for the lost.


We believe that the holy ordinance of Communion should be received regularly by believers walking in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ as a remembrance and celebration of what the broken body and shed blood of Christ accomplished for them on the cross.

Water Baptism

We believe all believers should obey Jesus in water baptism, by immersion, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe baptism is both a public profession of their faith in Christ as well as a spiritual sacrament where the old man is buried with Christ and a new man is raised to life.

Biblical Marriage

We believe marriage is a covenant relationship between God, one man and one woman, for life for the purposes of mission, companionship, procreation and demonstration of Christ’s relationship with the Church. The Bible limits the expression of human sexuality to a marital relationship between a man and a woman, which is the only legitimate and acceptable sexual relationship according to scripture. All sexual activity apart from this context should be abstained from.

The Trinity

We believe in one God who exists and reveals Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and is the creator of all things seen and unseen.


We believe God created humanity, male and female, in the image and likeness of God. We believe life begins at conception and that our gender and sexuality are good gifts from God and likewise determined by God from conception. We believe every life is sacred because God is the originator of every life. We believe that sin separated man from God. Despite sin and separation, we believe all humans, male and female, from every tongue, tribe, and nation, are valuable to God, deserving of love and respect, and should be afforded the opportunity of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Church

We believe that the Church is comprised of all those who acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior, and that scripture instructs believers to identify and regularly assemble with other believers to devote themselves to worship, prayer, teaching of the Bible, fellowship, and works of service.

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is the third person of the godhead, and at the point of salvation the Holy Spirit fills each believer as a down payment of salvation to be a source of strength, assurance, and wisdom for daily life.

The Infilling of the Holy Spirit

We believe in a subsequent experience where the Holy Spirit fills a believer to overflowing and is empowered to preach the gospel with boldness and operate in spiritual gifts.

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit has supernatural gifts to distribute to Christians for the instruction and empowering of every believer to demonstrate the power, reality and supremacy of God to the world. All believers are commanded to earnestly desire the gifts of the spirit. These gifts always operate in harmony with the Scriptures and when operated with balance and order, these gifts will bring glory to God and the light of truth to the lost.

Tithing & Giving

We believe that Christians are called to be generous givers and to trust God with their finances. We believe the starting place for Christian giving is to return the first tenth of their income back to their local church as a way of honoring God and recognizing Him as first in their a offerings and is the foundation of biblical stewardship. We believe all tithes and offerings should be given cheerfully, out of obedience and in response to God’s word and God’s goodness towards us.